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Gas is one of the most common energy sources used in many commercial and residential properties in Australia. Like any other energy source, it comes with risks that should be prevented.

One significant risk of using gas in your home is leaks. A gas leak can occur along the gas line or in one of your appliances. With the danger posed by a gas leak, solving the problem as fast as possible is necessary.

When you detect a gas leak, you should take action immediately to avoid its severe effects on your home or business. This article guides you on what to do in case of a gas leak.

What Causes a Gas Leak?

Before looking at the signs and what you should do when you detect a gas leak, let's look at the primary cause of the problem.

Worn out seal

One of the main causes of gas leaks in many properties in Australia is worn-out seals on the gas pipes. The seal can get worn out naturally, but this should not occur often. When the seal gets worn out, the gas can move out of the pipes into your space.

It is easy to fix the problem by disconnecting the leaking pipes and resealing them with a seal designed for this specific task. Once the leaking pipes are resealed effectively, they can stay for years without the need to be sealed again.

Faulty installation

Another common cause of a gas leak in your appliances, including gas heaters, furnaces, stoves, and others, is faulty pipes or installation. If the gas line was installed wrongly or low-quality parts were used, this can lead to a gas leak. This is why it is crucial only to trust a qualified gas fitter for all your gas installation needs.

Misusing gas appliances

Your gas pipes can get damaged in several ways, and one of the most important things is to ensure you use your gas appliances correctly. If you don't take proper care, your gas pipes can get damaged, causing leaks or gas explosions.

To avoid the problem, you should only use your gas appliances for their intended purposes. You should also ensure the appliances are cleaned and maintained to keep them in good condition.

Low-quality gas appliances

Low-quality gas appliances can also lead to leaks. This is why it is always advisable to invest in high-quality appliances to prevent leaks and other problems that may occur.

Damaged gas lines

Any cracks, dents, or holes in your pipes can lead to gas leaks from your appliances. Make sure that your pipers are well maintained to prevent these damages.

Signs of a Gas Leak

Now that you know some of the reasons you may have a gas leak in your property, it's also essential to know some of the signs to check for to take the right action. Here are some of the signs of a gas leak.

Dead plants

If you find dead plants outside or inside your house, you may have a gas leak problem. With the gas in the air, your plants don't get enough oxygen, making them wilt and die. Plants are susceptible to natural gas and can give you a quick hint of gas leaks before you can observe other signs.

Hissing sounds

You might have a gas emergency if you hear hissing sounds near one of your gas appliances or around your gas pipes. The hissing sound is a sign of a more substantial leak; the louder the hissing sound, the bigger the leak.

The sound emanates at the exact location of the leak; thus, it is easy to fix the problem. However, when you hear the sounds, your primary focus should be evacuating, not looking for the gas leak.

Rotten egg smell

Propane and natural gas have a distinct smell for a reason. Gas companies add mercaptan to the gas to give it a smell to help detect a leak when it occurs. This makes your gas have a rotten egg or sulphur-like smell, making it easy to recognise a leak.

Small bubbles

Another way to tell if there is a gas leak in your property is by performing the bubble test. All you do is put a small soap in a large amount of water and ensure that your gas is on.

Then, with a sponge or cloth, wipe down the suspected area, and if you find bubbles forming, this shows there is a gas leak. Also, you might have an underground gas leak if you see bubbles in wet areas around your property where the gas line passes.

Fog or white mist

When gas moves from an underground pipe, condensation forms a white mist or fog. The mist or fog is a clear sign of a gas pipe rupture.

What to Do

When you smell gas or detect a leak in other ways, you should not wait. Here are the steps you should take immediately.

Move out of your home

If you identify any of the above signs of a gas leak, you should immediately move out of your home. Shut off the gas meter if you know where it is located, but if you don't know, you don't have to look for it because the gas leak can affect your health.

Your priority should be to save yourself and your family members from the adverse effects of natural gas. Even a minor leak can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, explosions, and fires, which can be fatal. If you have pets, you should also evacuate them.

Stop using all your electrical devices

Even a tiny leak can lead to explosions or fires. A spark from your phone, light, or any other electrical device can trigger a massive fire.

Avoid touching any electrical devices, even your light switches, as you leave the house. If any device is on, make sure you leave it like that. Your main objective should be avoiding sparks; even turning something off can trigger sparks.

Leave windows and doors open

As you leave your house, leave all the doors and windows open. Though this doesn't stop the gas leak, it lets some of the gas move out, thus reducing the risk to your property.

Contact your gas company

A gas leak is better left to a gas company or professional. Your Australian gas company and the fire department can assess and shut off your gas line. They will inspect your home gas pipes and ensure everything is safe before you can return to your property.

What Not to Do

Here are some things you should never do in case of a gas leak in your home or business. Avoiding the following ensures the problem doesn't severely affect you or your property.

  • Avoid searching for the source of the gas leak because doing so can expose you to gas, adversely affecting you. Leave the gas detection task to a professional.
  • Don't try repairing the leak by yourself because of the significant risks involved in the process.
  • Don't use electronic devices like light switches or cell phones with batteries inside your house or business.
  • Do not spend more time indoors.
  • Avoid using lighters or matches to prevent explosions because of the ignition from the accumulated gas.

A Gas Leak is Better Left to a Professional

In a nutshell, when it comes to gas leaks, remember that safety should always be your top priority. This guide has covered the key steps to take if you suspect a gas leak. But that's just the beginning.

Prevention is your best friend in this scenario, and remember, in Australia, we've got strict gas safety regulations in place for good reason. Insist on Gas Compliance Certificates for any gas work done in your home, and if you ever smell gas or suspect a leak, leave the detective work to the professionals.

In the end, it's all about peace of mind. So, stay vigilant, stay informed, and never hesitate to seek expert help regarding gas safety. Your well-being and that of your community depend on it.

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